Sunday, August 14, 2016

Smartphones Vs Pc - Who Is Winning The War Of Dominance?????

pc vs smartphones.jpg 

If you look at it critically, you will find out that the cold war that have been going on for years now between phones(smartphones specifically) and Computers is just like the war going on between guys and girls of our time. Each is trying to gain superiority over the other. Or, you can say that the smartphone is trying to gain superiority because PC is the senior here. In comparing PC with smartphones(android and iOS), one can easily conclude that smartphones are the girls because they seem weaker but indeed, they are stronger in almost all aspects.

On the other hand, the computers have been around for decades now and they have had time to evolve into very powerful devices. Smartphones can only be considered competitors for these already established giants. In this thread, am just going to compare the two of them and point out why each is good and what I like about each.
Note: this is all based on my own point of view and not on what someone else says. Your own views may be different and I will very much like to read them... what you think about the war between the two electronic devices. phones vs computers

Phones vs Computers

Why I Like Phones
Yeah, I will always start with phones probably because it's the one I have used most and it's more like my friend before I came across PC. SO, I do like phones a lot and they have a lot of features which a PC cannot have no matter how much manufacturers want to tweak these computers.
So, what do I like about Phones?

- Simplicity And Portability

Am sure that everyone will say the same thing about phones. They are so portable, you can drop them into your pocket and forget that they are there. You can even hold it with the minimum possible effort and conscious awareness.

- Smart: 
Phones are smart indeed. am talking about the smart ones. they can do so much even as they are so small. I can sum it up this way... what they do is by far greater than their size!
That's it. that's why they seem so smart, sometimes, even smarter than they are.
Imagine that small kid in your primary school days who seems to know just about everything. that's just what these phones look like in comparison with the bigger laptops and computers. Small and smart.:p

- Feels personal: You will agree with me that your phone in most cases feels more like a personal possession than your PC does. they are b0th yours but you are more comfortable sharing your PC than you are sharing your phone with people. That's just how it works. that personal connection, attachment and the me-ness involved with using your phone that is not really there with your PC count a lot.

- The frequency of Usage: 
You will agree with me that your phone usually comes to the rescue most times than your PC does. You almost always need your phone to check time, make some calls, read text messages, chat on WhatsApp and Instagram but your computer doesn't do most of this e things for you. I guess that's where the feeling of attachment that I discussed above came from!
And that's that for my phone experience. let's move over to PC and see what it looks like.

- Easy to Tweak! you will agree with me that android phones generally are very easy to tweak and change things.
for example, you can learn 

Why I Like Computers

The word computer is something I started hearing from my primary school days when there is hardly any such thing as a computer in my village.
I can still remember that they defined a computer as

That's a computer for them. not me. I don't think that a computer is idiotic in any way at all. For me, it's an amazing thing that happened to we humans and indeed it is. So, I refused to believe that computers are idiotic rather smart buddies.

Sadly, I could not lay my hands on any for some time. It took quite some time for me to be able to lay my hands on a computer and I think that accounts for the gap we have.

However, when I got to start using PC, I started seeing that it's not so different from phones, maybe a little smarter but it took me a lot of time to develop likeness for them. in the end, I did and right now, it's as though am marrying two lived that hates themselves... my phone and my PC. Wow... let's see what I like about this machine is using to type now

It's BIG::( 
Not big like the first or second generation computers with small Rams & processors though but who cares, this is the first generation computers of our own time! so, its still big.

there is usually no need for any scrolling as most times, everything is well laid out on the screen and you can just move your mouse around and do some awesome stuff! and that brings me to the second thing I like about PCs.

The Mouse!:
 I like the mouse almost more than the computer itself. I know that sounds really stupid but don't judge yet. let's look at it.
If you have lived in the same house with Rats before, you will know that they are a very annoying category of animals. Rats don't obey anybody. o_OAm not even sure that they have kings like the bees do:(., They just roam around and destroy things.

Now, imagine having a Rat that does nothing but what you command and you don't even HAVE TO SAY, YOU JUST HAVE TO PICK IT UP AND CONTROL IT.
Sounds cool. more like you are punishing the legion of rats that have annoyed you all your life. that apart, I do enjoy the speed of the mouse and just about every other thing that the mouse can do. Both the big and the small, all at a single click!

So, the mouse is one other thing I like a lot about the PC.

The PC is very versatile. It can do quite a number of things. there is no need listing them because you already know most of them but the coolest features of the PC includes its multiscreen ability. you can be watching a movie while browsing on the same screen(though that's a little crazy, if not stupid).
You can install almost all types of pc softwares and programs that do all kinds of things and they all obey you, provided you know just how to use the computer programs. Hence, the programs are actually one of the most interesting things about the PC.

I think the versatility in operations of PC is the only edge it has over smartphones. 
For example, you can easily install Xampp, or Wampp and startcreating websites with your PC but on your android smartphone or just about any other smartphone OS, you will have to go through a lot to get such an operation running seamlessly.

However, I don't Like the PC because of its size and its ability to heat up. You cannot take your PC outside without making special provisions for how you are going to transport it as well as protect it!
The size of PC has almost as many advantages as it has advantages. Very awesome!

I believe I have said everything I like about the two devices and I will leave the results for you to call!
Which among the two of them do you think is the winner?

I don't mean the winning because obviously, smartphones are winning the war. 
but which do you prefer the king?

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